Secure Online Shopping from Carpet Tile Wholesale

Information about Secure Online Shopping

We have made every effort to ensure that shopping on the internet with Carpet Tile Wholesale is as safe as purchasing by card in person.

Our secure server software encrypts all of your personal information sent over the internet, so that your card details cannot be seen. We will ask for your card details as well as the three-digit code on the signature strip every time you place an order and ensure that your card information cannot be misused.

Always remember to close down your internet browser when you have finished shopping, this will delete temporary internet cookies from any sites that you have visited and ensure that other users do not see your personal details.

Carpet Tile Wholesale may send you emails from time to time, but we would never send an email asking for your security information or log in details, or direct you to a web page that asks for this information.

Although we take all reasonable steps to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee the complete security of any data you disclose online. You accept the inherent security risks of providing personal information and dealing online over the internet and Carpet Tile Wholesale cannot be held responsible for any breach of security unless it is due to our negligence.

Changes To This Policy

We have the discretion to update this policy at any time. We encourage our customers to check this page for any changes and to stay informed.